Alright, I'm going to say a few words about the World Health Organisation, and their parent organisation The United Nations. Because the World Health Organisation is really just a branch of the United Nations. It's why they have the same United Nations symbol, only with a little minor difference I'm going to talk about here.

Before I get into that I just want to say I had a heart attack recently. I'm sick, dying, a fugitive. The police actually chased me down and caught me yesterday in front of witnesses who stuck up for me and they quickly took off. If it wasn't for the witnesses standing up for me, which is on the rare occasion. Ah, I'm starting to have an angina attack now, because of the blood flow's not working. I'll do this again if I survive and I get cut off, pass out again like I did on livestream on Youtube. I pass out on Youtube, after saying some final words, and may have been dead or whatever. 4 hours later, Youtube cuts me off and bans me for copyright violation. Apparently my death has been copyrighted by someone. But anyway. I'm not well, I'm having massive heart problems. And I need to say, I need to do this video. It's important. I'll try, I'm going to try to do it.

The World Health Organisation. Alright, we're on my Facebook right now. Let's do this a variety of ways. OK, let's go look in, we'll go to Google Images. And we'll go United Nations logo. And you'll see, you should be able to see in this video. I've got fire and shit everywhere, but you'll still see clear enough. Here's an example of the United Nations symbol over there. You can look this up yourself if you can't see clearly.

Alright, let's look it up, World Health Organisation logo and you'll see it's just the same. It is the United Nations logo with, I'll see if I can get a good one up here. As you can see here, it should be good enough. And you can look this stuff up yourself if you have any doubts. If you can see this clearly. I'll try not to pass out here, because of the nerve pain. I've got nerve damage on top of everything. My whole heart nervous system's fucked up, like really bad. OK, you see there's a snake with an ice pick. Why is the health organisation of everything, the World Health Organisation, why are they using a symbol, on top of the United Nations symbol, a symbol of a snake of all things, around an ice pick. That ice pick is actually, this is all psychiatry. We'll get to that in a sec. But this ice pick is for actually stabbing you in the brain. Using a hammer and hammering this ice pick through your eye, through your skull and into your brain where they mash it up and turn you into a retarded vegetable so that you can't fight the government anymore. That's what this is, that's what that symbol means.

We'll look up psychiatry. Psychiatry logo. And you'll see it's the same symbol but with two snakes. It's the same thing, right? It's really the same thing. You'll see different versions, variants of it. Here's one with one snake and one wing, like the one winged angel. It's the same basic theme, of snakes around an ice pick that's designed to stab you in the eye and mash up your brain to disable you. Just to effectively kill you and turn you into a retarded broken vegetable who cannot think. It's the whole point, to make it so you can't think and criticise Communist, thoughts that are, it's the thought police. This is the 1984 thought police. And government unapproved thoughts and actions. You're not allowed to think certain things, you're not allowed to ask certain questions, or they come around with an ice pick and they hammer it into your head. It's what they've done to millions of people. And you don't hear about it because anyone who talks about it, this is what happens to them. This is one of the reasons why I am a fugitive after everything that's been done to me. In fact you look. If anyone has any doubts, look. Jeremy Martin dictionary. And you'll see, if you can see it through the clouds. A guy who's been tortured by the government and seem to be the founder of Anonymous, he tends to repeat things a lot, such as 'Back up your claim'. You can see all kinds of things, if you type out Jeremy Martin dictionary you can see all kinds of stuff. You'll also see Jeremy Martin Anonymous. And you'll see a whole bunch of interesting stuff there too. I'm everywhere, you just usually don't know me by name.

But anyway, the World Health Organisation and psychiatry logo, they are the same logo because it's the same thing. The World Health Organisation is actually a psychiatry institution. This is really psychiatry pretending to be health. Psychiatry is not a health profession. It's a medi
eval cult. It's like a Luciferian medieval cult of torture and execution for social control. And the government uses all the medieval torturers to make sure that you don't, everyone's too scared to challenge the king. This is what they are, it's that profession. And after Democracy kind of kicked in, and people had votes, they voted against all this bullshit and psychiatry went underground and reinvented themselves later as a fake medical profession. Which they were rejected for that, and it wasn't until the last hundred years that it started really taking hold. With electrocuting people in the head is apparently a treatment. No, that's how they execute people. In fact, they use drugs now. Those drugs were made actually from things like rat poison designed to torture and kill animals. I could go on and on about this shit. It's a cult of pure evil. So you can see the connection. The United Nations psychiatry, and the World Health Organisation, it's all the same organisation. It's just all psychiatry. It's a cult.

So what is this, caduceus. We'll go to Wikipedia, Caduceus. You won't be able to see this properly with this, but you can look this up. Caduceus. It's the staff of Hermes. You will see the symbol here for psychiatry. The modern symbol of it used for psychiatry. It's all the same thing. So why are they using this? They are supposed to be atheist and all that right? Anti-religious, they pride themselves on being anti-religious. But they're using all these religious symbols and shit like this. And if you look at psychiatry, they use the psi symbol. Psi, which is actually means, we'll look at that actually. Psi symbol. I'll see if I can find that in, easy to find in Wikipedia. Look up psi. Psi greek. Here we go, this is the symbol. And, here we go, the English equivalent of the word means lapse. As in mind lapse, as in mind control. Mind lapse as in you're not thinking anymore. This is anti. Psychiatry is anti-psyche, anti-mind. It's thought control, social control.

So let's go back to caduceus. So the caduceus is, let's have a look at it. It is from Greek, the herald's wand or staff. This is actually the anti-Christ's weapon technically, this is what it really is. And it's also involved in Roman iconography. Here we go, the left hand, it's the symbol of mercury. And, you know, mercury being a lethal poison. Messenger of the gods, here we go. This is what it is. Look this up yourself, you won't be able to see this really well, but you look up caduceus. The guide of the dead, this is a Necromancer's death staff. That's what this is. If you've played any fantasy role playing games, they have a Necromancer, Necromancy's like a profession, and this pretty much explains to give you an idea what these kind of people are. So Necromancer's kind of rise minions from the dead and mind control dead corpses and stuff. This is all the worship of death and destruction and stuff. And mind control, really evil shit right. And of course, drugs are involved as well. Guide of the dead and protector. Well what are we protecting here? Because it's kind of going in a certain direction here isn't it? Protector of merchants. As in happy merchants, con artists, people who like to sell you snake oil poison. Shephards, as in false shephards. And if the context here isn't clear enough, here is even more. Gamblers, liars and thieves. So basically this is a protector of evil people. The corrupt, this is a staff of corruption. That's what it is. It's Luciferianism. So who's the symbolof the snake? It is Lucifer. Also known as Beelzebub, Baal or Satan. That's what this snake is, the snake symbol wrapped around this ice pick. So this staff is, when they come up with transorbital lobotomy, this is from a cult, they're like, OK, this symbol of this staff, let's jab them, let's use this powerful staff, Necromancer staff, and we'll stab them in the fucking eye. And we'll mash up their brain with it. Who do you think comes up with the idea of getting an ice pick of al things. Not some kinf of surgical tool. Just a cheap ice pick and a cheap hammer. And just stab them in the eye, hammer it through their skull, and mash up their brain like an egg beater. Obviously there's nothing medical about it. This is fucking psychopathic evil shit. But they got this from somewhere. They're using the staff of Hermes, this Necromancer's staff of death, and they thought let's jab them in the eye with this symbolic representation of power. Because these people are highly ritualistic. They're very fucking toxic and evil and corrupt and indoctrinated. You can't redeem these people. Their souls have already gone, if there is such a thing. There's nothing redeemable about them. They just need to be wiped out. They are a walking cancer. You can't cure them. They just need to die. So this is a Necromancer's staff of death and mind control for liars, thieves, con artists. Psychopaths who torture and kill people.

So what happened over the past hundred years or so, especially from the 1960's onward and then in the 1980's and 90's it really took on. And now in the next stage. It's a progressive alliance between the government and psychiatry. So the profession that everyone rejected of torture and execution for social control, this is a Luciferian cult. Well the government progressively formed an alliance with them. So, normally you have law. And if you do a crime, you go to court, you have a jury to make sure that the judgement is fair.And a jury of your peers. It's all written in human rights and shit like that. Your peers and the local community gets to have a say to make sure that fair judgement is being done. And then you're punished as a necessary deterrent, Punishment isn't a bad thing. It's a good thing. Fucked up assholes who do bad shit need to be scared of consequences in order to stop them from doing bad shit that they have the freedom to do. So, normally you have laws, and you have hurdles you have to jump through in order to stop the abuse of power. The whole purpose of government is to stop someone else from coming in, like a crimnal gang coming into your town and doing fucked up shit. Government is supposed to be an organisation to counter corrupt organisations, with methods to make sure that it doesn't get corrupted. That it's always subject to the will of the population that they're supposed to be the protectors of. Which obviously it doesn't happen because this hasn't been government for a long time. It's all been taken over by this cult. So what happens is that if you actually look at laws, psychiatry, mental health acts and shit, they're not laws. They're not even legal, there's nothing lawful or moral about them. They serve one purpose. The mental health system isn't broken, it's doing exactly as it's intended to do. To coerce and intimidate, and make people disappear. This is the medieval cult of torture and execution, to make sure that no-one dares to challenge, to stand against the king. It's the same shit. So all these mental health acts and shit and section 22 of the mental health act, you should look that up, it's really fucked up. So basically, this is a secret magic card, where all they have to do is say the magic words 'mental illness', and they're suddenly above and immune to the law and outside the law and they can do whatever the hell they want. They want to raid your home, they can't get a warrant or a justified warrant, they know there will be consequences. Oh it's ok, they just come in uninvited, they just smash your door down, and they just say the magic words 'mental illness'. And it doesn't matter when they say it. They just say it, and they can imprison you for a year like they do with me, and then say at the end, 'Oh, he was mentally ill', and then just say nothing until then. And if anyone talks, they make them disappear. And they just say the magic words, 'mental illness'. And therefore, they are above the law. They're immune to investigation. They don't need to present a case. You don't need to go to any court. You have no rights. They basically use the magic words 'mental illness' and they can do whatever the hell they want. They can raid your home and kidnap you, do what the fuck they want with you. Understand, it's not broken. This is exactly what it's intended to do. You can't fix a system that is the very essence of corruption, from a Luciferian cult.

So Luciferianism, there's two major forms of Luciferianism. There's all different ways you can classify it, but the best way to do it is to say the personified version and the non-personified version. And let's just say there is a grey area between. And the best way is to just put the grey area and the non-personified version into into one major category. And then there's a smaller category of personification, which is this symbol of evil which they put a person to it like th actual person of Satan. So most Luciferianism isn't personified. The New Age cult, the whole New Age movement, that's all Luciferianism too. But the personification I'm talking about is what's literally called Satanism. This is all the worship of evil, corruption and power. The abuse of power to do as much harm as you possibly can. This is all for psychopaths, this is a cult for psychopaths. I can't say much more on that, because if I say certain things this video will get taken down. I've got evidence that this happens, people know I say certain things, I have to say them in certain careful ways. There are certain main, very influential groups and ideologies. Let's say Communism is highly connected to this too, that are actually Luciferianism. And as I've shown before with the United Nations and psychiatry and the World Health Organisation. It's all the same shit. They use the same symbols for a reason. If you look into this you will see I'm not just putting puzzle pieces where they don't fit. This is wellknown well documented. Just do your research, you'll quickly realise. It's not a secret, it's just most people have never looked into these things. But I've been saying for a long time. The United Nations, psychiatry, the World Health Organisation, and all the other things that I mentioned before and those I'm not allowed to mention, it's all Luciferianism. Some of them are personified. Some of them are not.

Now psychiatry likes to present itself as being Atheist and anti-religious. But a lot of them are actually personified Satanists secretly. Hypocrisy is a good thing to them. They pride themselves and think it's funny to be as much of a hypocrite as you can. And just to do the most morally offensive things possible and do it in such a way as you can get away with it in broad daylight. And do it without the general population knowing. And only those in the know will be able to see it in broad daylight. It's what they do as a little expression of power. It's like a ritual they do. It's really fucking sick. But of those in psychiatry who are not personified Satanists, they are all Luciferians, whether personified or not. But more of them are literal Satanists of the personified kind than you will ever realise. The stuff they do behind closed doors, you wouldn't believe. So when people have all these conspiracy theories over devil worship and stuff, you're looking in the wrong places. You need to look at psychiatry, that's where it's all at. That's the root, the center, the foundation, the core of it all. Everything connected to psychiatry. For example, you have corrupt police who go around and nab people in the name of false 'mental illnesses'. People who are whistleblowers, or so much as try to make a complaint or report. They work with psychiatry to take you to a psychiatric facility and make you disappear, and to discredit you at the same time. Hey, don't listen to him, he's insane! We need to take him away and make him disappear. Don't worry, he's in our 'care'. And if he dies, which he will, or comes out really fucked up as a vegetable or some shit, and his life's cut in half at the very least. If you have any doubts, well I think you have a mental illness and you need to come with us. That's how it works.

There's a whole bunch of things I wanted to say. I'm almost blacking out so it's a bit of trouble because my heart problems. So I covered the Necromancer stuff. So, this is all Luciferianism. And there's one more point I needed to make. So, what is Luciferianism? Some of it's personified, some of it's not. What is it all about? Well it's really simple. It's basically just, people who are corrupt, who are very evil, who mean to do harm against the innocent and vulnerable. People who are cancerous, toxic, poisonous, the most vile filth, this is their ideology that they cling to. They all find their way into this ideology in one form or another. And that includes narcissists who join the New Age cult, where 'feelings' and imagination determine reality. 'Hey, I did something bad, but hey, no, I shouldn't be punished for that because I 'feel' innocent now. I feel like it never happened and therefore you can't punish me. You're the bad guy! You're interfering with my reality!'. This is just so fucking far gone, it's so fucking toxic. This is the kind of shit that New Agers do. But the New Age cult is all a major branhc of Luciferianism. But the New Age cult's more of a lower level initiation into it. Those who are actually in government positions and stuff, they don't do this New Age shit. They might do some mantras of New Age stuff here and there. And if you go to any psychiatric facility, you'll see New Age bullshit of fantasy and feelings. And fake happiness. Real innuendo of just shitting in your face and pretending it's all happy. They're doing it because of the innuendo. Not that they believe that New Age shit, but it's all part of the rituals and shit that they do. So what is Luciferianism? At its core, it is the worship of power in the context of its abuse. In order to be superior in this Sith-like hierarchy, because everyone betrays each other, everyone tries to hold each other by the balls secretly with stuff they can use against them, like what Epstein's pedophile Island. That wasn't about hurting children, it was about trying to get fake evidence or real evidence, whatever they can get on someone so that they can use against them to exercise secret power over them. This is what they all do. It's like the Sith. So it's the worship of abusing power. The way they operate is might makes right. So if you get power, it doesn't matter how you damn well get it. If you succeed at getting power, then you're worthy of that power. If you murdered and cheated your way to be king, then according to them you should be king. And every one of them will be trying to undermine you in the same way. It's a system they have going, a really fucked up system of might makes right. And they're all liars, they're all hypocrites, and they all operate by the same rules. And if they are all using the same back door loop hole, like mental health act secret back doors that they can always abuse as a magic card to get away with anything, if their enemies get done for doing that, they'll rush to the defence of their enemies in order to protect the very back doors they use. They'll sooner stab their enemies in the back, but they'll protect them in order to protect the secret of how they're getting away with what they're getting away with. So Luciferianism is just the most toxic, corrupt, just about abusing power. So the way they operate is in order to express that power and justify their claim to that power, they need to intimidate everyone, including their enemies. This is how they do it. They need to do the most fucked up things they can possibly do, and to do it as openly as they possibly can, in such a way that the general public is completely oblivious. But those in the know, they see it right in broad daylight and it's like a little secret between them. And it's a little message to say to the others, 'Look how smart I am. I can do this in broad daylight and communicate this little example to you directly in broad daylight, and none of them have the slightest fucking idea'. It's an exercise of power, as som,e kind of example of their intelligence and their cunningness. And it's not just to impress their peers in this cult. It's also to intimidate their peers in this cult. Because they are like the Sith. Intimidation is something they worship and abuse as much as they can. Because it's the abuse of power. Intimidation itself is not necessarily a bad thing. In its rightful place it's a good thing. But they obviously do it in a bad way. And they do this to intimidate each other. And it makes the others even more greedy and drewling over that power that they want to get. But they know that because of the exercising of that power, the expression of it showing what they're capable of in broad daylight and getting away with, it's a little message to others like, 'Don't you try it, because I'm that much more powerful than you'. Obviously they're going to try, but they're going to stay their hand, because if their greater enemies are able to do that, and they can't become the master, they're not ready yet to become the master. And you might hold off the strike, the secret little plan you're going to do, because it's not going to work. It's how they work, it's how they operate. So the World Health Organisation, The United Nations, psychiatry, it's all Luciferianism. It's liek Satanic. It's not necessarily a Satanic cult in a personified form. And all these nonsense conspiracy theories that people say just to gaslight and set people off, the truth about what they're doing is far worse than any of that. They're not doing what you think they're doing. They're doing things that are far, far, far worse. Far worse. So there was one more point I wanted to make, it was important. Might have to stop the video and restart it to try and remember what it was. Just give me a sec. Yeah I'll stop the video because I'm about to black out and I'll merge them both together in a big video. If I remember what I was going to say, I'll put an end, another addition to this. Otherwise, it's finished.

Now that's what it was. It was very important. I knew it was important. There was a guy called Jiddu Krishnamurti. I'm kind of in the wrong folder, hang on. There we go. Let's look it up, Jiddu Krishnamurti. As if his name isn't of significance (Jiddu/Jesus Krishnamurti/Christ). Jiddu Krishnamurti, let's see if I can click on his image, you'll see. That's the guy. He's dead now of course, it was a long time ago. So, The United Nations is really The League of Nations. So before The United Nations there was The League of Nations who caused World War Two. After World War One, The League of Nations was created to try and bring about world peace and be like a world court. They were basically trying to fulfill biblical prophecies and stuff and bring about a world government. A world government's a good thing. But these were trying to do a fake world government to service corruption and evil. So The League of Nations was brought about, which plundered Germany and done all kinds of genocide against the real chosen people, the White race and specifically the genetic chosen people. Not the extended race but the genetic chosen people of all, the red headed White people of North Western Europe. They were genociding White people and plundering them to oblivion. And Germany tried to stop their own people in Danzig being genocided. And all the lies, everything you've been told, it's all a lie. Basically, certain groups of people who I am not allowed to name because (I think we all know who they are, two specific groups that are a notoriously big problem in the world today), they've been genociding the real chosen people for a long time. And they all pretend to be the chosen people. So, Jiddu Krishnamurti. Just to show that these are real anti-Christ-like, Jiddu Krishnamurti if you look him up. These are the same people from The League of Nations and The United Nations at least. The first, the early United Nations were a different group of people and they quickly got taken over by the previous League of Nations and totally taken over to the point where Saudi Arabia was put as the head of the human rights council, so it could be charged with investigating itself over the world's worst human rights abuses.

I've got something to show about Anonymous too. I'll get an image up, here I'll do it. This is important, so let's just find it. Let's go, Anonymous. You're not going to see this really clearly, but it will have to do. So let's get this image up. OK, there we go, that will do. OK so you see they overlap. The United Nations symbol and the Anonymous symbol, me being the founder of Anonymous, they overlap exactly for a reason. Anonymous is supposed to represent the true world government, which is in the process of coming about in world recognition of the way it's supposed to play out. And there's still things to happen. But this is basically the true world government versus the false world government. You've got the world government that's run by the people themselves, or a world government that's run by a bunch of despots pretending to speak for the people. They're similar for a reason, they overlap for a reason. And I have a symbolism video which shows a lot more details regarding a connection to things like Space Force, DARPA, all kinds of shit. You look that up separately, there's a lot of stuff I could show. So there's one more thing I wanted to do.

Jiddu Krisnamurti. They groomed him from early childhood. They planned to use this guy to be a false messiah, so that they could use to take over the world and say, 'Look, the messiah's arrived. You need to do what he tells you'. And they were in the background trying to brainwash him into making him do their bidding. And he ended up betraying them and exposing them. He became a whistleblower against them, and destroyed their plans. And obviously he was not a very wise man, even then. But he was wise enough to stand against these Luciferians who were largely Satanists.

And these are the type of people like, I'll show you. Helena Blavatsky is from the 1800's, she died in 1891. She's the mother of, I'll see if I can get a picture up so you can see what she looks like. You can see her there. Helena Blavatsky, she's the mother of modern Luciferianism. And there's a lot of stuff you can find if you look her up. She was the origin of the Lucis Trust, the Lucifer Trust. And Lucifer Trading Company. You'll be able to look up Lucifer Trading Company. Lucis Trust, this is the Lucifer Trust. Lucis, another word for the word Lucifer. Look you see there, 'Let the plan of love and light work out'. How New Age does that sound? Love and light and all that kind of shit. It's darkness and death actually. Hypocrisy and snake oil. This is all the same thing. Helena Blavatsky was the mother of modern Luciferianism. If you look in the Torah, the Christian Old Testament which is the same books, that Jews and Muslims also follow the same Old Testament books. There was the golden calf that they worshipped. It was actually Baal, which was Lucifer and Satan, it's all the same identity. And this was actually the symbol of Isis. Not the ISIS you know today, but it's interesting to have the same name. The goddess Isis.

Let's see if I can get another image here to show you. It's actually the symbol of Islam. The version of Islam before it became what it is with Mohammad. Here it is. So, you see the so called lunar crescent of Islam, you see on the top left and to right. No, it's not like that. A lunar crescent actually goes from the very top to the very bottom. No, this is a solar eclipse. Islam is supposed to eclipse the world in darkness as the moon eclipses the sun. This is why Islam is full of all these lunar rituals. It's all moon based. Allah is actually a moon god, who was the secret son of the goddess Isis. You see Isis below. You see with the sun, representing the symbol of an eclispe with a snake wrapped around it. A snake secretly conspiring against the light, the sun. The snake Lucifer. This is Lucifer the snake trying to block out the sun with a fake version of light. Lucifer meaning bringer of light, false light. And you see on the bottom left there, you see the same symbol of Isis. If you look this up, you'll see. The calf with the same snake on the head. The symbol of the sun with the snake blotting it out. That's the calf of the old times, with Moses and stuff like this. This is the worship of Lucifer. The star you see on the top right, of the modern symbol of Islam, it's the morning star behind the background, operating behind the scenes orchestrating all this. Let's go to etymonline, and we'll type in Lucifer. Etymology is the history of a word. Go to etymonline and look up Lucifer. Old English Lucifer, Satan, also morning star, Venus in the morning sky before sunrise. Venus represents Lucifer, the morning star. It's the symbol of, at the dawn of civilisation, evil comes and takes advantage of an ignorant people at the dawn of civilisation to lead them astray. And take them to dark places to their own destruction. Before they can set up a system of government to manage things, the fake light, the false light, the impostor comes to lead them astray. So the star in Islam is actually Lucifer, the same snake as the goddess Isis. I could talk for ages on this. Islam is actually part of the Luciferianism cult. It has many branches. Like an octopus, or a cancer, with all these veins everywhere. From the religion that endorses child marriage. Well actually, Islam by definition of what the commandments are, it is illegal in Australia. It's illegal in every non-Muslim country in the world. So any government official who tolerates it, is guilty of a global pedophile conspiracy. You don't get to play dumb when you're a government official. You don't accidentally genocide your own people and organise a global slave trade, with countless millions of children being sold off as sex slaves and shit. You don't do that by accident from a position of government power. You wield that power, you are responsible if you fuck up. So if you haven't, which pretty much accounts for practically every government official in every country, if you're not against it and saying Islam is illegal, it must be outlawed, and if you're not agreeing with me on this then you are already, confession of guilt. Guilty as charged. This Luciferian shit has got quite far. Look at my appearance, I look like the devil. Well if you actually read what the devil looks like, he doesn't have horns. These are cows horns. Is a cow evil or is it pretty much like a passive creature that just sits out eating grass. Those horns are for defence. The messiah is supposed to look scarcely human. He's supposed to look like this. The messiah looks like this so called devil. The devil comes in a suit, well groomed with gel in his hair and blah blah blah. The devil comes disguised as a friend, as a position of power. Someone you can trust. You need to, 'just trust me pal, trust me. I've got it under control. You just gotta stop. Don't do nothing. Just give me all your money, trust me'. That's what. The devil comes as a friend speaking of love, peace and unity. The messiah comes with a sword to cut them down. And they will say, 'Look at this guy! He's evil! He's trying to disturb the peace!'. No, he's trying to break free your chains that you're in, that many of you are beginning to see but you still got a long way to go to figure it out.

So, the World Health Organisation is actually Luciferianism, Satanism. It's in their very bloody symbol. And most of the popular conspiracy theories you see on all this kind of stuff, it's nonsense. Most of it, not all of it but most of it's complete nonsense. And it's misdirecting you away from what you should be looking into. Do proper damn research. Stop just believing everything that comes your way that suits whatever fantasy you've got in your head. Start dealing with reality. And I'm telling you, the real story of evil in this world is far worse than you could possibly imagine. It's not very well organised. It is very disorganised, and it's all going to shit. It's all collapsing on them all. And that collapse cannot be stopped. That's why they're all getting desperate. They're like rats trying to jump off a sinking ship. And they're selling each other out. They don't know who they can trust. They're panicking and shitting themselves, because it's all gone to shit. All their plans are failing. I've done a lot of videos explaining a lot of details on that. Very constroversial stuff, but it's all true.

So, appearances can be deceiving. So don't. When you see someone who comes in the name of peace, love and unity in a suit and stuff, 'Thank you Jesus!', and 'We're the government, you need to come with us and trust us', these are the kind of people who, of all people, you must not trust and you must not go with them. And you need to fight back. The person who's going to pretend to be your friend and go along with everything you do, that's not your friend. That's a traitor, that's someone who's trying to fuck you over. People who have your best interests at heart, they're the ones who are going to criticise you when you're doing fucked up shit, to lead you into a better path. Not those who are going to just go along with it and not stand against you. The people you need to ally yourself with are the people who are going to criticise you openly, and make a clear and coherent case. Because they're trying to help you. The people who aren't trying to help you, they're going to undermine you and lead you astray covertly. And they're not going to criticise you when you do fucked up shit. They're going to just go along with it. Realise what's going on.

Anyway, that's it for this video. I hope I made the point about the World Health Organisation and this cult that it's all a part of. This cult of pure evil. Realise these people are not intelligent and they are not well organised. It's a complete fucking mess, and it's all going to shit. Don't be intimidated by power they don't really have, and intelligence they don't really have. You need to strike. You need to sort your shit out. You need to get your information right. You need to understand the big picture. And then you need to fight back. You're out of time. This is their final push. They're of the position that if they can't have the world, they're going to destroy it so no-one can have it. And that's what they're going to do. And you have to stop them. In order to stop them, you need to be equipped to deal with them. With the knowledge and the skills and the connections. Sort your shit out first. Sort your shit out, quickly. And then get your facts straight. And debate is central to that. You don't know if your ideas are true or not unless they're put to the test in debate. You need to debate those who disagree with you, because you might be wrong about something. It's the only way how you verify and strengthen your case. Through debate. You're out of time. Sort your shit out. Alright, that's it for this video. Hope I made the point clear.